27th of November. The day started of with my daily Subuh prayer after mom woke me up. And then continued to sleep for a while. Then, mommy woke me up at 8 and got ready with myself and my spare clothes and got breakfast. Breakfast wasn't much as I was bloody anxious of the battlefield. Yeah, the battlefield.
And then I travelled to the Megat's residency. As I arrived I saw Khan Hamidy and Megat Nasir playing co-op on UC3. And yeah, it's been a quite long time since I've seen Khan. So, we were there waiting for Redzuan perhaps. After all has been set, we're good to go and we go! Mid journey, there was this douche, almost hit the front bumper and when we honked, he was pissed. WTF man?
Arriving at Mid Valley, we headed off to Galactic Laser, the place for the game. Well, we just hang around and Nasir dragged us up for a not-so-aerial view of the dark, gruesome playground. Lol, overness. And then we were waiting for Faiq, he was walking from KK. It took him long =P No offence yeah brother? After a rendezvous with him. We entered the place. Paid RM50 and got myself into my spare which is the Barca jersey and yeah Redzuan had the urge to 'melee' me in the warzone. Heck, it knew it was intense so I knew it was going to be wet. Not that kinda wet though.
The A-Team
From left: Nasir, Redzuan, Khan, Faiq |
Briefing was done and first round was a Free-For-All match and I was damned like shit. What? It was my first time right? First round goes like this, I was trying out the laser gun thingy a.k.a phaser, I guess. Seems nice as I'm used to guns and war, in games only mind you. I got the aiming part down. And I believed that reaction time had alot to do with my survival. First round starts! I ran up to corners hiding from sight, shooting people who were oblivious to my presence behind them. "Rapid Fire", the gun exclaimed, signifying I achieved a killstreak of three. And yes, it didn't last as long I as I expected but yeah I love it. And the best part in the first match was I get to pwn a camper! Yeah, effing camper! He was like "Damn you!" and I replied "Fucking camper!". And there were more. Next we check the scores and I was deemed 4th. Hey, that's not bad for a n00b is it? And we took our rest for a while.
Second round was a Team Deathmatch match. We were Red team. Feels like BF3! Entering the arena and we chose to cover one spot as it increased our chance of survival, and prevailing perhaps. And when the round started, we got off to a very sweet start. Yeah, no offence but those guys weren't much of a challenge this round as they intruded our territory one-by-one. We just shoot that's all. It all was good until they raided our position. We had to split and there was my, and our, downfall. I got cornered on the top floor, by a girl. Such humiliation. After the round ended, we were still the first team. Yeah, we own.
Third team was a Squad Deathmatch as we were divided into three teams. We were Blue and we were perfectly grouped, no other stranger were there. Again, we entered the warzone, chose our spot and then there were kids ruining our surprise factor. We were quite hidden from plain sight. No, we aren't ninjas, just we took cover. Match starts! And we dittoed the last match's strategy. We did quite well until there were campers on the top floor and chasers. FYI, chasing is forbidden. NOOBS! Nothing much to say about this round. Except that this was the WORST round out of the three.
The worthy opponents |
Post-match Drake |
Tired Faiq |
The Champ! |
The Epic Team |
All in all, Laser Tag was damn fun. Quite the addiction.