Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Gonna be home

LOL, now I'm at school. And I got some time to kill by hacking the school's computer system.

Well, just wanna type short. So hi dad and mum. Tiket bas dah habis, waaaaaaaaa!!!...

Abg tanya Faiq and he said " i dunno lagi lah, If I can I tell you"... Wow, effective sangat....

Eventhough it's almost freedom, the darned exams are killing me. I need something to kill my time.

Ooops, kantoi dengan cikgulah buat post ni... Nantilah... Bye mum and dad, luv you...


  1. never mind, we will send a chauffeur driven limo to fetch you up. Just hang on there, son.

  2. heyyy, i like the blog
    haha you might like mine?
    check it out! :]
