Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Gonna be home

LOL, now I'm at school. And I got some time to kill by hacking the school's computer system.

Well, just wanna type short. So hi dad and mum. Tiket bas dah habis, waaaaaaaaa!!!...

Abg tanya Faiq and he said " i dunno lagi lah, If I can I tell you"... Wow, effective sangat....

Eventhough it's almost freedom, the darned exams are killing me. I need something to kill my time.

Ooops, kantoi dengan cikgulah buat post ni... Nantilah... Bye mum and dad, luv you...

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Long time...

It has been a loooooonng time since I've edited this blog. I'm not gonna type for long but this will suffice.

I've been through many obstacles in my life. Heh, debating has ben a fun thing. Sadly, we are not ready for the big game. We lost the Octo-finals...

The banner...

It helps release what in your mind by debating you know. Well, today, I will be heading back to my not-so-beloved land of Perak....

I'm not in the mood to type long like stated b4. BTW, I'm in Facebook...

L33tHaxorz Facebook

Add me - syazwanbahri@gmail.com