After a while away from the dusty recesses of my Blogosphere, I've decided to jump back into the cradle. It raises the question, "Why return back? What reignited the spark?". It's been quite the roller coaster ride since my last post. Many events have happened. Lots have changed. If I were to list down what had happened and what had changed in the past few months, it would span a few pages and it would stretch this entire page like mozzarella cheese on an Italian cheeses pizza special. Either way, this would be a long one, so I beg you, bear with me for a moment.
I'd love to sum everything up, but that would just defeat the entire purpose of writing this post, wouldn't it? Besides, sharing you what happened is way more wholesome than simply condensing the story.
Well, where should I start? Ah! Regarding my last post before this post (see post below), I kindly ask you to disregard it, please. It's quite a long story, but to entertain the curious minds, I'll tell you the shorter version of what happened. Getting used to PALAM life was tough, studying Science for a foundation course. I've tried my best, and unfortunately, it got the best of me. It's a legit reason to be devastated as I've been through some hard times after my dismissal. I never thought the course wouldn't be perfect for me. I never got the grasp of Chemistry and I've just realized that I've been memorizing almost everything since SPM. Nevertheless, every dark cloud has a silver lining.
I have discovered what I love to do. Writing. It doesn't matter either writing random rants or serious issues. I just love to write articles for anyone to read. You see, I spent most the final year in Koleq writing journals and articles, and I never regret those lost time massing all those words. I didn't mind spending countless hours in the editorial room doing all these tasks, simply because I enjoy what I was doing. The final product was the very definition euphoria. The inexplicable feeling when you've finished you last words of the story. It's just surreal. It feels as if I'm compiling a story that would happen only once in this celestial universe, and if you look at it that way, it's more than just compiling words. Moreover, those who know me tends to relate me with my endless babble of stories that amuse both the teller and the listener. To me, telling a story is a heart-to-heart kind of feeling. I try to put you readers, and listeners, in my position and attempt to make you experience my story as if it was unfolding before your very eyes. It's special. It's fun.
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I consider my greatest achievement, so far. |
And you know what? That's not the end of my passionate past times. This is already clear to most of my peers. I'll reiterate, making this crystal clear, I am really passionate about automobiles, chiefly cars. Why, you ask? It's actually a childhood thing, revived. I used to like cars a long time ago, when the clutch and petrol prices never made any sense to me. Now, it's a more detailed experience with a more intimate knowledge towards the systems, the driver aids, the performance of each vehicle. I would kindly ask you not to mistake me as an angry yob blasting their fart cannons driving all recklessly around town. I'd like to think myself as the pacifist of the roads. But show me a proper race track, mostly go kart, and I'll happily demonstrate that driving is more than just the pedals and the steering wheel. It's way more than the arduous twists and turns on the track, more than the speed, more than anything. It's closer than than you think. It's about understanding the machine, as the machine would understand you requests. My daddy always tells me, always treat the car as an extension of yourself. It's complex at first, but I grasped the gist of it. Even though I might be a hardcore care enthusiast, I am not the best of drivers.
This blog of mine, it has been here since 2008, if I'm not mistaken. It holds many interesting personalities of Syazwan Bahri over the past. But I personally think it's time for an overhaul. Perhaps a change of background would be welcomed, and maybe a swap of colour palette. And that blog title, needs a touch of literary improvement. What say you?
So, we return to the main conundrum, why my return after being a recluse? The answer is, simply a welcoming whisper where my heart truly belongs. Expect me to write a lot more now and then.
Thanks for your time
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