Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Pair-anomal Activity

 Let's jump in straight to the point. Here it goes, my beloved Ultimate Ears 200 is decommissioned. Yeah, pretty sad I swear. One would say do not make a storm in a teacup, but, unfortunately it could not be said here. You see, music has been a part of my life since 2009, when I was emotionally attached to sounds and so. I joined the orchestra on that behalf.

  So, since then, sound quality has been my important issue. Last year Faiq introduced me to a pair of lovely earbuds, or technically known by their true term In-Ear Monitors (IEM). It was quite a yardstick in the music accessory arsenal, and at that moment, I fell in love with that pair
These were the dead pair
 In a few months, I took that pursuit and got one of my own. It was euphoric. The treble was clear, the highs were crisp and the bass. Wow, the bass had a kick to it. So warm. I'm not an bassophile to be precise but the bass got me. It was nice. And considering the robust build of the set, I wouldn't worry about the durability. 
 After a year, the pair went unbalanced. The left one going quieter than the right. Hmm, not sure why. But, I used it normally. A few months passed, and the left one gave away. I was pissed that moment. 

UE 500. A potential.
 Not long after, the other followed suit. Argh, that was the last straw. So, I decided to move on to a better pair. After reading a few reviews, I tried to eye on the UE 500. A few review later then I stumbled upon the UE 600. I was intrigued by it's system. Traditional IEMs utilizes dynamic drivers where as the 600 takes advantage of top-firing armatures producing clear sound, and great 3D soundstage. 

UE 600vi. Breathtaking.
 Now, the price wasn't that of a problem. 

 So, in a few months, expect me to have another review on the Logitech Ultimate Ear 600vi dedicated to a fellow friend Yasmin Sofea. Yes, the 'vi' is important in order to have a handsfree call with my other half. 

Till then, stay put!