After a while with our Custodians, we were abit off to the edge due to the fact that a lot of crappy stuff have been publicized to our school thus tarnishing our precious 0812 (refer last post) ...
Well, the story started like this. *flashback starts*
Such a lovely/creeepy view.
Brings me bad memoirs...
One morning, it was Saturday so it was darned inspection day. My dorm passed with sparkling colors *literally* so we went down for our weekly assembly in the room *snicker*. It was all normal until one of our Custos announced this particularly intruiging story. Well, we were not suprised our warden stood up and said "This must be brought forward to the Vice Principle of Student Affairs" and then BOOM it was like something out of the ordinary because cases are once in a green moon.. This wasn't the catch yet, after a week or so, one of the 'mulut tempayan'ed custodian spread the story. The whole school is now 'usha slack' towards 0812, including the teachers. This brings a very ******* effect towards us....
This is a picture that I took after the assembly,
it eased my tense abit...